Sunday, February 15, 2009

Please Read Before You Post

I would like to apologize for the comments that were posted by others on this blog over the weekend. I have deleted the section they were posted under because they were not beneficial under any circumstances. I do understand that I have opened myself up for negative comments and I welcome them however disclosing personal and emotional private information or vulgar language about any other parties will be deleted. Please read the below before re posting.

1. No profanity will be tolerated.

2. School employees are public figures but their children and or family are not so please do not disclose information about their children or families.

3. Negative comments regarding other children will be deleted I started this blog and put my family out for criticism but I will not allow people to criticize other peoples children or disclose information I feel could be harmful to them or their reputation.

If you would like to re post please feel free just be careful what you post or disclose about others.


  1. Ok, what did I miss? I heard there were a lot of new posts on here yesterday, but they are gone now and there is a message about being careful what you post. Can someone give me a heads up as to what I missed?

  2. Tigerfan - Thanks to a student for giving us the details of what was being said about their daughter by this coach I now understand the anger and betrayal they must feel towards our school system for allowing it. These parents are bigger people then me. I would have left the posts up for all to see and read. I can see clearly now that the fog is gone. I am sure you would have been just as shocked as all of us that this student was posting comments filled with foul language and bad grammar representing GHS, their team and on behalf of their coaches.

  3. The lid has finally blown... To be a fly on the wall at GHS tomorrow morning.

  4. Paws 101, is there any way to know who the student was? If it was posted anonymously, then I can't see them bringing the entire school in regarding this. I got a message from a friend about the language being inappropriate and some accusations being made. Guess I should have gotten on here last night and read them. Aside from the language, any idea why the blog sponser took the posts down? As far as I can remember, this is the first time there has been a problem with language.

  5. It wasn’t just the language this student used it was the fact she shared very personal and private information about her family. Some things are better left unsaid. This student used some very defamatory statements towards this family. The student pretty much blamed these parents for everything but world hunger. The parents know who she is since she used her real name to prove to all of us she was being completely honest. Of course that was post one by post two the story started going south. Post three it was rock bottom. Not well thought out on her part. She also involved other people in her post by including them in her narrative. I would say Medley will get involved since she posted representing her team as a leader at GHS. The student confirmed a lot of the complaints the parents had were in fact true (in post one anyway). I would say with that and the witnesses they have regarding the other complaints Lewis and Fox will be where these parents start first thing in the morning.

  6. If she used her real name and her position as a leader at GHS, surely Medley will get involved. I wonder how this young lady's family feels about her disclosing personal information about them on here? I have heard from a couple of people who read what she posted, and I can only hope she realizes the damage she has done to the people she seemed to think she was defending. From what I have heard her attacks on both this mother and her daughter went beyond what anyone would ever consider to be either appropriate or acceptable.

    In my opinioin, she seems to not realize exactly what this blog is about. This is about problems in our school system and the inability to get any help from the people who are supposed to be in place to assist students and their parents. She seemed to only want to call people names and use this as a forum to cuss the family, something I am hoping she would never do in person. I hope she is in no way a representative of the cheer team nor GHS. Medley and her coach need to let her know she can not say she is representing any of them and behave in this manner. If I am correct, she just broke several of the rules this coach handed out. Put the coach in a bit of a dilema. Does the coach follow her own rules and take the appropriate steps for discplining this student, or does she just let it go since she was defending her? Tomorrow should be an interesting day at GHS.

  7. Why is the school not handling this? I have sympathy to this coach’s loss but don’t all teachers and coaches in our school system have losses and children. Does her loss and the fact that her child had the flu give her a get away with it free card? Does it give her the right to treat children badly and talk about them? This story has been going on for over a year now and just seems to be getting worse. The GHS principal needs to deal with the situation and deal with it now before something terrible happens.

  8. Any word from the halls of GHS? Was the family in Medley’s office first thing this morning?

  9. I can't believe I missed out on the action!

    From Dr. Seuss~ something for the student who shared to think about~ “You are you. Now, isn’t that pleasant?”

    For the school system~ "A teacher affects eternity~ he can never tell, where his influence stops." ~Henry B. Adams

    Obviously, the fruit of this teacher's influence is plainly shown by the student who recently shared with us.

    It's just to bad that we can't "delete" the lasting impressions this situation has left on everyone as easily as distasteful posting is deleted from blogs.

  10. I am having a hard time understanding why nothing has been done to address this situation! Right now I have no respect for this teacher/coach. One of her squad members, her hand picked captain no less, behaves in this manner and receives no repercussions for her actions?!?! Is the manner in which she acted ok since she was defending this coach? Is this the type of example the coach and Medley want set on behalf of the GHS student body? Not all of the kids behave in this manner, no matter what this captain says. From what I have heard of Medley, I don't see him turning a bind eye like he has if this had been one of his football players when he was the coach.

    Then there is the new principal, whom everyone was hoping would make a difference. Instead of doing something about this mess he is turning a blind eye and allowing all of this to continue to progress on a very steep downhill slide. What else has to happen before someone steps in and says enough?! GHS has become the embarrassment of the county. How can the principal expect any respect when the school is getting worse? He needs to step up and say enough to this teacher/coach. If she allows her squad members to blatantly break rules without any punishment, then what kind of example is she setting?! What type of example is Medley setting by allowing this to continue? This is just the final straw. I understand she lost a family member and has a child, and I am sorry for her loss, but like freepass said, other teachers and coaches have gone through the same thing without acting in the manner she has. That being said, Medley - DO YOUR JOB!!!

  11. In response to some of the things that the student who shared said,(and I am sorry for the loss).Her son might have been sick the night of the football banquet but is that the excuse for why she had not gotten the senior football players gifts to be given to them at the banquet? It is my understanding that this is a tradition that the cheerleaders have always done.And was this parent(that this STUDENT was bashing) not the one that did the gifts for the senior players,since the teacher/coach decided at the last minute not to fool with? Doesn't sound like such a bad person or parent to me.

  12. As a current GHS cheerleader, I believe everyone should just MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS.
    People posting are neither members nor captains, so why does it matter? We cheer because it's what we love, not for the politics.

  13. Anonymous, the state of our school system IS our business. It is in trouble and needs to be fixed. This blog is one way everyone can share experiences with the school system and share information about how change can be brought about. Out of curosity, if you are a current GHS cheerleader, why are you on this blog during school hours? I don't believe reading and posting on this blog is what the school computers and internet were intended for. I do believe they are intended for research for school work.

  14. Anonymous, The parent of this blogs child was a member and has every right to discuss the issues at hand or is that only a captain thing? Also there are not any current GHS Cheerleaders as of date they havent had tryouts yet. Unless you know something no one else knows as to who made the squad how can you state your a current GHS Cheerleader? This isnt politics this is about rules not being followed by the people that are making them. I agree with the others why are you posting during school hours? What school computer are you using to read and follow this blog?

  15. Heard to today the princess is back full swing. Guess Queen Mom got over being mad since she is allowing her daughter to return for yet another year. Maybe she should do the adult thing and take down the blog since the princess was allowed to return.

  16. ghsfan~ I seriously hope we don't know each other and that we never meet.

    Grow up! It is no longer all about that. Your not worth the energy it would take to even begin to make you understand. I and other posters have given you space to rethink your position.

    I understand that you disagree with the origins of this blog, that's totally your prerogative, but you are evidently to closed minded to get past your "Queen Mom" and "Princess" "Bull S" to see anything positive here.

    Please go away.
