Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Cake Is Gone

After all the Facebook posts I think I finally understand World Peace & Harmony... Thank you everyone so making it so clear. Here is how it works for those that don't know.... 1. Parents teach your children sticks & stones at home & turning the other cheek they will need it not just in life but at school too. After all "Kids will be Kids" & Its been that way for years so get over it. 2. Put God back in our schools because we want our children to learn about religion in our public schools. That way we can all be alike and have the same beliefs. 3. Bring back discipline at schools & home. Nothing like a trip to the woodshed to make things right. 4. Pray about it. Suck up those tears and bruises drop to your knees and lets pray. I admit I'm confused by this one but I was told it works and solves everything so Let's Pray. 5. The schools aren't responsible for raising our children they are there to teach. So they will be taking Title IV Grants away and everyone go back to Rule 1. OMG I think they just found grant money to put towards our nations debt.... YAY.... Let's celebrate . I'm running to SAMs to get s'mores. Someone bring firewood and we can all sit around the fire while we eat s'mores and sing "We Are The World".... As soon as I receive the dress code, music approved list and what we are allowed to talk about then I will forward it to everyone!!! PS There won't be any cake it's all gone.

I posted that to be sarcastic but I have thought a lot as I read comments that say it starts at home, pray for the situation, put God back in our schools, take responsibility for what happens in your life and my favorite of all it's not the schools, administration or teachers responsibility to raise your children.

So I ask & welcome your thoughts to help me understand.
1. It starts at home. I agree it does start at home but what if you do right in your home but Lil Johnny next door parents aren't? What if you teach your child to be kind and the sticks & stone rule but Lil Betty at school hasn't been taught any golden rules? By not being taught at home or having any kind of a home life they treat other children horrible do you say nothing since Lil Johnny or Lil Betty weren't raised right after all kids will be kids and it's been going on for ages... Right? I ask you to think about this before you answer... Would you feel the same way if Lil Johnny or Lil Betty was making your child miserable at school or making them hate school? What if Lil Johnny or Lil Betty weren't Lil at all but were adults that you sent your child to learn from?

2. Put prayer back in school... While I do believe in prayer can we pray for people and can we change a situation with prayer and prayer alone? Is prayer the answer to every problem in the world? Should we not pray about the situation but still act to help those in need? If your child came home everyday crying and had to take medicine to not threw up because just being at school stressed them out would you look at them and say pray about it?

3. Put God back in our schools. I'm sorry but I have read so many bible comments that I would have a problem with some of these narrow minded people teaching my children about God. I think religion and ones belief is a private matter and should be taught at home. As many of you have said its not a teachers responsibility to raise my child then why in the world would I want them to teach my child about religion and their beliefs? Isn't God in schools because he is walking with those that believe? My child might believe have God walking with them daily but not everyone does and then you have the spouters & hypocrites shoving their beliefs, how you should live your life and what's right vs wrong but that's a whole debate in itself. Church and school is a separate place and should remain that way unless of course it is a private school that what I believe but of course I could be wrong.

4. Take responsibility for what happens in your life. I must say that comment confuses me... You can't control what happens in your life but you can control how you handle it. Am I missing something can someone control everything that happens in their life?

5. It's not the schools, teachers or administration responsibility to raise children. As a parent I agree it isn't their responsibility to raise children but it is their responsibility to make sure our children have a safe environment to learn in. Am I wrong in my thinking if so why does our schools take grant money from the Title IV program? If they aren't responsible for making sure our children are safe from bullying, being harassed or being physically assaulted then they shouldn't be responsible in babysitting children for drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Shouldn't it be the parents responsibility to raise & teach their children about drugs, alcohol and tobacco not a schools? Isn't it wrong to take grant money if your picking and choosing which part of Title IV is or isn't your responsibility? I'm sorry but if my job paid me to do ABC and I only did B do you think I would still be paid or get to keep my job?

I know I am opening my self up here but I also want to add I believe in Freedom of Speech. As posted on my blog since I started it we are all adults so please act adult when offering your take. I won't allow any name calling of any students past or present or sharing of stories unless you have proof. No he said she said. I started this blog to explain my families story and to share the how policies and laws were being broken. My fight isn't about having people arrested or lining my pockets. It's about our community opening their eyes and knowing what's going on in our schools and school system. With that being said Debate Away!

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